Resources - Version 1
This is the first version of the enterprise e-commerce platform Okommerce released in January 2018. The platform has 16 different modules, each serving a specific function. Together, they offer a powerful and robust system to efficiently manage your e-commerce solution.
Chapter 0: QnA
Okommerce overview & Why Okommerce ?
What are the modules in Okommerce ?
How to add Categories in Okommerce ?
How to add products in Okommerce ?
How to add brands in Okommerce?
How are the discount codes created in Okommerce ?
What are the different stages after product purchase in Okommerce ?
How multiple languages are added in Okommerce ?
How multiple currencies are added in Okommerce ?
What is the master product concept in Okommerce ?
How is the Customer Dashboard & customer module in Okommerce ?
How is the Customer Wallet in Okommerce ?
What is Support Module in Okommerce ?
How the Delivery Module is managed in Okommerce ?
How the Service Module is managed in Okommerce ?
How the Supplier payment is managed in Okommerce ?
What are the different sales reports available in Okommerce ?
What all Customer and Marketing Reports are available in Okommerce ?
What all products & Inventory reports are available in Okommerce ?
What all Supplier reports are available in Okommerce ?
Okommerce overview & Why Okommerce ?
Version: 1
OKommerce User Manual
Welcome to the Okommerce user manual Version 1. Okommerce is an enterprise ecommerce platform that is designed to serve the needs of a large-scale online ecommerce store. Okommerce allows effortless management of multiple products of varying categories from different stores.
Okommerce offers a powerful admin panel that allows complete control and management of your ecommerce store. With seamless API integration, you get limitless possibilities with Okommerce.
Okommerce is multi in every aspect- this means you can manage multiple stores, catalogs, languages, price points, currencies, and shipments. Managing your ecommerce store has never been easier with the modular structure of Okommerce.
There are separate modules for managing customers, sales, suppliers, deliveries, catalogs, POS, stores, inventories, marketing, report generation, content, wallets, quotation, and much more.
This user manual will cover each module in a separate chapter and the instructions to perform a certain function or action. Appropriate images will be added to the instructions to make them even easier to understand and follow.