Resources - Version 2

This resource section is dedicated to the Okommerce Version 2 release. Okommerce V2 brings in a slew of improvements over its predecessor making it the perfect choice for your enterprise e-commerce solution. The user manual below will cover how to use the platform with detailed instructions and images.

Version: 2

Okommerce, the enterprise ecommerce platform is now better, faster, and more secure than ever with its version 2 release.

Version 2 of Okommerce brings in an array of new features and improvements over version 1. This version was released in January 2022. It has all the features of version 1 along with new additions and improvements. Two of the biggest improvements have been made to the user interface and the API. 

Other areas of improvement include the security, and the load level, both improving considerably. Version 2 can handle much more load than version 1.  

This user manual is based on Okommerce Version 2 and will vary from version 1 where applicable. The manual is divided into chapters that cover the modules of the platform.

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